How Inbound Marketing Help On Finding A Job?
Did you know that you can use techniques from inbound marketing in your search for a job? Whenever you’re looking for a job, you’re basically selling yourself.
The very first step on any campaign for inbound marketing is to have eye catching content out there. Whenever looking for a job you need to make sure that your curriculum vitae or resume and your blog has got an edge.
Having a resume is a must. This would allow your prospective employer to get to know you. Having said this, it’s vital that you have a good looking resume to give around. With a good resume, you’d be able to reach out to more.
Now, having a resume is one thing. Having a blog which shows your deeper thoughts would let people know you better. What better way to flaunt what you have than through your blog? With this, you need to look at your blog and make it your own personal portfolio. Call it an online published diary if you will. A place where you can discuss thoughts, experiences, things that are relevant to the kind of person you want these potential employers to see. By doing this, you’re not only aiming to make an impression, you’re actually moving to brand yourself. You don’t really have to be a public figure in order to gain an audience. It’s a proven technique that a lot of people have gained leverage on over the past years.
After preparing these two, you’re ready to optimise. By optimising, we mean flaunting your content, aiming for your target audience and search engines as well. You may be wondering how the search engines play a role on your working career. Having your blog indexed by search engines would allow recruiters and companies identify you with the kind of people their trying to find. This is effective with blogs. As for your resume, you may want to take some caution when optimising for it with your target audience. I know it’s very easy to look for job listings online. It would be brutal to apply the mass email delivery just like that. Your cover letter should be able to take you to a level where your target audience would develop a desire to explore more about you. Using the conventional mass sending of email approach on your job search would tend to make employers shut their doors on you faster.
You need to put some effort on trying to analyise the type of person who’d be receiving your resume for every job that you decide to apply for. Taking into consideration the recipient of your application would help you put the tone of your cover letter in tune. Highlight your traits that matches or complements their exact requirement.
It also won’t hurt to do a bit of research on the companies that you want to apply to. There’s no such thing as a standard resume for a specific person. Each of your resumes should be modified depending on the job that you’re applying for. Your resume should also be published to show your optimised content. Reach out to networks and use social media for as a medium to show off your content. It would be good to have your resume posted on LinkedIn and try to engage actively on discussions there as you promote your brand and blog.
You can also use Facebook and Twitter to show off your content. Just like with any inbound marketing campaign, actively doing this would let you reach further and nominally boost your brand by bringing in movement into your blog. Certainly a business owner seeking someone with your expertise would be impressed if they find out that you have a lot of subscribers and people making an effort to comment on your content. You’d look credible to them.
This may involve a lot of work but if you’re really dead serious to find a job in our current financial situation, making use of inbound marketing strategies can help you stand out from the crowd. Don’t worry if it’s taking you some time to build. You’d feel the results soon enough.
Finally, when you do get that job you really want, don’t ever think of setting aside your brand building activities. You’ll never know when you need it next.
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