You Might Be Failing at Local Marketing
You might have a few secret weapons when it comes to local marketing. But have you wondered where you might be failing? I have come up with a few traps businesses can easily fall into. Make sure to avoid them!
1. Not Using Long-Tail Keywords
Think you have fully optimised your website for local search? Well, you’d better have long-tail keywords throughout the on-page SEO elements of your site. Long-tail keywords are specific phrases describing your business, such as “restaurant New Ross” or “spa deals in Wexford.” Make sure to tie together your industry name and location in your page titles, Meta tags and descriptions, Alt tags and headers. Adding long-tail keywords to these on-page SEO essentials will increase your chances of showing up in major search engines.
2. Haven’t Listed Your Business with Google Places
Google Places is free to use and will list your business in the local search results on both Google search and Google Maps. It will showcase your company site and description, your address and reviews. Wonder how your ranking against other local listings is determined? It depends on the optimisation of your company description and the number and quality of your customer reviews.
3. Not Monitoring Yelp
It is delightful to receive positive comments. But you are probably going to receive some negative ones, too. Make sure to monitor Yelp for unsatisfied customer reviews and respond to these people. Be respectful, apologetic, funny and nice. Respond to negative comments in public as opposed to shifting the conversation to a private platform. If you leave the discussion in the public domain, you will let people who stumble upon it see that you care.
4. Haven’t Built Your Facebook Page
Did you know that Facebook users have 130 friends on average? Are you leveraging this wealth of networks? Customers may look you up on Facebook to “like” your Facebook Page and see if you offer any deals. Develop your Facebook presence by sharing some engaging articles, uploading photos, posting status updates and generating dialogues.