Social Media Success Secrets
It’s putting in that extra social media hour at the end of the day. It’s taking the time to do those two or three additional retweets. It’s making a positive comment on a blog acknowledging someone when there’s nothing in it for you.1. Optimise your social media for the people who are not there! Bring it to life in pictures, video, and reporting via blogs and posts so your events live on.
2. Go the extra mile. Take the time to interact, give back, and use @ replies and RTs (retweets). Comment on blogs in the most unselfish ways possible.
3. Be disciplined. Set aside time – whether it is 15 minutes a day or two hours a day – for positive social media interactions.
4. Remember: the laws of attraction apply to social media. What you put out will come back to you two-fold. Talk about more than yourself or your company and integrate good will and acknowledgement.
5. Make someone’s day! Provide an out-of-the-blue favor or offer a goodwill gesture. Go above and beyond. It can go a long way.
In social media, like in life, everything is possible. But it depends on what you give – and not take.