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5 Tools to Write Better Content With Little to No Effort

March 14, 2016 By Lorcan

better content

You don’t need to be Hemingway to write better content. You just need the right tools.

Write Better Content

In his book The Outliers, author Malcolm Gladwell claims that it takes roughly 10,000 hours of practice for anyone to master almost skill. Just look at athletes, musicians, writers, chefs, and other people who have perfected their craft – it does take a lot of time to become really good at something.

However, if you’re trying to write better content, you probably don’t have time to start learning how to create masterpieces. Good content writers are out there, of course, and well worth their weight in gold. But that’s why many of the big companies hire them.

If you don’t have time to devote the next 10,000 hours of your life to writing content, what can you do?

You can start just by writing, of course. You need to learn and you need to start now.

Anyone can product great content, but if you’re just starting, you need practice, just like any type of endeavor you begin. Many people struggle with creating content at the beginning – are they making enough? Is it engaging? Are people clicking – and more important – sharing it?

There’s really no one correct answer to how to make your content better. It really depends on your niche, audience, and your brand, etc. But, there are ways you can write better content, using a couple of tools available at your fingertips. So, here are 5 tools you can use to create and write better content.

1. AMI Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer

A headline can make or break any article. Most people click on an link just by reading the title alone.

How can you make a headline compelling enough so people will click on them? The AMV or Advanced Marketing Institute says, “…reaching your customers in an deep and emotional way is a key to successful copywriting, and your headline is unquestionably the most important piece of copy you use to reach prospects.”

And so they came up with this tool – the Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer. Simply plug in your headline and submit it. The EMV analyzer will rate your headline based on number of emotional words it contains – ideally, you want 60% or higher to ensure your headlines are appealing.

2. Grammarly

Good grammar is one of the basics of writing. One way you can write better content is of course, to make sure all your sentences are grammatically correct.

Grammarly is just the tool you need to make sure your sentences use correct grammar.

Most word processing apps or even blogging platforms have a spell checker, but few can correct your grammar. You can ask a friend to review your content, but why not use a free tool that can do this any time?

With Grammarly, you just sign up for an account and then use it. You can even use the add-on and install it directly on your browser.

3. Hemingway Editor

See that picture at the top?

As you may already know, that man is Ernest Hemingway, one of the most prolific writers of the 20th Century. His works influenced many writers in the past few decades, but believe it or not, his writing style was quite straightforward, simple, and unadorned.

Thus, this handy app was named after him. The Hemingway App finds the weakness in your writing – long, complex sentences, common errors (like passive voice), and dense sentences. By showing you what’s wrong, you can go in and fix it.

This app is free and easy to use – just paste in your content and it will show you what you need to fix.

app is free

Roll up your sleeves and start writing

4. aI Writer

If you have to write on your mobile device like your iPad or Android app, you may find it a bit tricky to use any of the built-in tools. Many mobile writing applications can be bloated with a lot of things you don’t need, but also difficult to manage when you’re used to typing on a computer.

aI Writer could be the answer to your problems.

Available for iOs and Android (as well as the Apple OS platform), aI Writer is a simple word processing program. It’s free of distractions and has everything you need to write better content.

5. Evernote

processing program

Image from Evernote Blog.

Evernote is your digital notebook on steroids.

Actually, this amazing tool isn’t just great for writing, but it can help you with almost anything – compiling ideas, clipping articles and pictures from the web, even collaborating with other people. You can also write your blog posts with pictures on it, create checklists and digitize receipts and other paper documents you can save for later.

It’s an excellent tool to help your plan out your content calendar and write down ideas so you don’t forget them later on.

The Final Word

Writing content can be quite challenging – you do need some skill and it helps if you already have some experience. However, with the right tools, anyone can write better content that can be engaging and helpful to any audience.

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