How To Organise Content for Social Media Marketing
As I continue my quest to connecting online, there’s one thing that that I’ve found more common in occurrence be it on Facebook or on Twitter. It’s that people tend to over post and publish information without any regard if it’s relevant to the people they’re connected with. What happens is that as the continuous influx of information comes in, people like me tend to not want to read these overkill postings. For me it’s really a big bonus whenever I do get to land on valuable content on my wall.
Everything drills down to one thing at the end of the day – content. And I’m talking about content of value that can either be interesting in itself or helpful for me. I have this constant belief that business within the social media circle always has something worthwhile to share and don’t just post at whim. Everything’s planned and placed in a calendar accordingly.
Some people do it on a monthly basis. Others do it for the entire year. It really helps if you’ve programmed your calendar of activities properly so that you can clearly see the path you go for any given year.
The good part about keeping a calendar for content is that you get to lay down things in a manner with which you can see the harmony and continuity of the information you’re planning to impart to your followers. You get to list down the path you believe would bring your marketing agenda to its ultimate success.
It also helps you plan ahead. Producing content might seem easy but it’s not as easy as it sounds. By creating a skeletal framework of the content you’re going to produce, you can make the most out of your topic. Having a calendar allows you to plan how you distribute your content, plan when you need to write that content and plan when to promote it to different social channels.
Creating a calendar will allow you to micro plan your content making the information you’re about to share more detailed and allow a seamless flow of thought.
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