Worst Things Companies Do on Facebook Today
More and more people are realising the huge role that Facebook fan pages play in trying to connect and lead people to visit a site. You can make use of these Facebook fan pages to send out broadcast messages leading to your followers walls, entice chatter and further encourage your fans to actively participate on adding content to it. However, there are some mistakes that businesses do as they use Facebook in promoting their businesses.
1. Posting Plain Text Updates on Your Status
Settling for plain text status updates makes you boring to your followers after some time. You should try and use innovation to keep the interest of your followers. Do a combination perhaps or try and switch styles once in a while like posting links to videos or images from time to time. In the same manner that you’d want your blog to always be interesting by sharing something different each time, the same rule applies to your Facebook fan page.
2. Mimicking Twitter on Facebook
Twitter and Facebook are two different platforms. Thus, they should also be treated as such. You can tweet multiple times in a single day but if you’d consider doing the same on Facebook, you’d end up having your fans hide your updates because you’re starting to get annoying with that much updates flowing in from your end. Also, you should take advantage of the space that Facebook gives you. It’s definitely bigger than the 140 characters that we’re allowed to use on Twitter.
3. Restricting Wall Access to your Fans
You take away the main function of having and using a fan page for business if you won’t let your wall be interactive. Your page should be a portal where you can broadcast updates about your company. Through it, you should also know what your fans are thinking about. What if they have suggestions to share? Things that can help you improve? Be sure to check that your wall is able to receive posts from your fans.
4. Disregarding Comments from Fans
You shouldn’t ignore the posts and shares that your fans are posting on your wall. Comment once in a while or simply click on the like button to show an indication that you appreciate what they’ve just shared. If you actively do this, more people would start sharing things to you as well.
5. Not Sharing Your Fan’s Content
In order to take the burden of producing content for your Facebook posts, sharing interesting content that you find posted can help you buy time on what to feed. You’d definitely make your fans happy and entice more followers that way.
6. Having a Profile Image That’s Poor In Quality
Facebook re-sizes profile images automatically to appear on feeds and your wall. Your brand can possibly be cut off from the thumbnail when Facebook does this and it can really prove bad for the recognition of your brand. Make sure you’ve got your thumbnail size right.
7. Not Using Facebook Questions to Get More Followers
This is a new feature launched by Facebook that allows us to put on Q & A’s on our walls and pages. It’s a sure great way to build credibility up for your online business in terms of catching people’s attention. It’s really a must try for any business because it’s the only way you could possibly reach out to non-fan FB members easily
8. Not Sharing Your Business’ Facebook Page on Your Website
If you already have a Facebook page, you should definitely share it on your website for your site visitors – the people whom we’re expecting to become fans of your page on Facebook. Put a fan box or a like box as it is commonly called to allow people to like your page and at the same time stay on your website.
9. Not creating a Persona
Facebook is a place where people connect with friends and other people of the same interest. What usually turns these people off is going to a page that only has sales pitches on it. Try and maintain a casual tone on your Facebook page and still give that air of professionalism to keep them hooked to you.
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